Friday, November 27, 2009

Hi alex!

I just wanted to say hi to alex.w my best friend.She's cool,nice,and fun to do stuff with.we've been friends sine we were like 6 years old.Anyways hi Alex and you're really awesome.By the way your a great friend and I hope we are friends forever!~Jada your B.F.F P.S T.T.Y.L

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hello Everybody!

Hi if your name is Ronny or Ron Then Yes this is my website so all the rest of you are probably wonderin who these people are.They are just some people I know and are part of my family.last night I notified them about my website.they really didn't beleive me but you need to know here i am with a website!Anyways bye and this was me now I am leavin ~Jada

New Moon movie Reveiw

New Moon Reveiw Have you seen Twilight Saga New Moon? Well you definetly should!I watched it the 23 so two days ago and it was fantastic!I give it a 9/10. Bella Swan tries to kill herself three times to see Edward Cullen.First she gets Jacob Black to fix up a motorcycle for her.She rides it and hits her head on a rock.Second she goes and rides a dirt bike with some bikers.Last but not death she jumps off a cliff and calls it "Cliffdiving".Although she only saw edward in her head she did it anyway.Edward calls during Alice's visit and jacob says bellas dad is arranging a funeral.Edward thinks bellas dead and goes to the Voultry to die.Bella saves him from revealing himself to the people and she wakes up.It was only a dream and Edward says he'll never leave her again.Bella asks Edward to make her vampire.Edward says on one condition..Marry Me.THATS IT!